yearbook sales - article thumnail image

Buy your 2024 - 2025 yearbook online

Yearbooks will be available for sale online only. It is a full color, softcover, bound yearbook and will be delivered to the school in May. All purchases must be made by April 16th, 2025 to receive the yearbook in May. Yearbooks cost $9.90 each ($10.77 after tax).
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TK/K enrollment now open for 2025/2026!

TK/K enrollment now open for 2025/2026! Enroll online at Call the school for an appointment to finish enrollment 714-663-6164
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Barker Elementary is a Closed Campus

Barker families, This is just a reminder for our parents that only our TK/K children can be accompanied on campus by a parent before school. We understand that it may be necessary to walk our smallest Lions to class; however, in grades 1st-6th we are trying to promote independence in our children, and they should not be accompanied by parents on the campus unless permitted otherwise. Just a reminder, parents are to remain outside of the campus until the bell rings. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Mrs. Askew
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Apex Fun Run is Coming

Apex Fun Run Fundraiser starts today! Hi Barker Families, Today is the start of our big spring fundraiser- our Apex Fun Run! March 3rd - Thursday March 13th Last year we raised just over $40,000! Let's see how much more we can raise this year to help fund class field trips, educational and character building assemblies, art & reading programs, and to make a meaningful impact on the Barker campus! Fun Run pages are now open! It's time to show your support by logging onto your student’s pledge page. Simply log in to using their unique student access code found on the VIP Badge that was sent home today. Then, send your child’s pledge page link to family & friends and invite them to support your student. The first class to get 100% logged in will get to pie the Apex Team!
See's Candy Fundraiser - article thumnail image

See's Candy Fundraiser

Hi Barker Families , Treat yourself to the yummiest candy on earth, AND support our Barker Elementary.! Fill those Easter baskets with the best chocolate! Our fundraiser will start March 10th with more information to follow. Thank you for the Support. Barker PTA

Principal's Message

Welcome to Barker Elementary School!  Barker is a school that prides itself on creating strong teacher, student, parent, and community relationships and instilling in children the ability to achieve.  Our entire staff is dedicated to providing our students with the best educational opportunities necessary for them to become successful contributing members of our community.  Our goal is to secure a positive learning environment that focuses on student achievement and promotes life-long learners.  Our teachers are committed to delivering high-quality instruction using research-based strategies to meet all the needs of our students.  We believe that teaching our children is a shared responsibility that is implemented through the active participation of all stakeholders. 



At Barker, we implement a coherent structure for teaching and learning that is aligned with the California Content Standards.  We support our teachers in their implementation of effective programs through ongoing training and staff development.  We also support the development of explicit district and individual performance goals to ensure that students meet or exceed state standards.

We strongly believe that parent and community partnerships are an essential piece to the success of a school.  At Barker Elementary School, we are fortunate to have parent volunteers involved with enriching the experiences of our children on a daily basis.  Our PTA is a tremendous support and contributes significantly to the inviting atmosphere of our school.  PTA coordinates various activities and fundraisers for our school, which help fund our field trips.  They help plan our assemblies and events and meet regularly to provide further support for our school and help our students.

Our teachers, staff, parents, and families of Barker Elementary School are essential partners in promoting the value of education for our students.    Through this collaborative relationship, I am confident that the school year will be outstanding.  Your contributions and support are greatly appreciated, and I look forward to meeting and working with all of you to ensure that our students attain their highest potentials.  


Michelle Askew

Barker School Principal

Our School

Welcome Barker Lions!

This school year, Barker's PTA will be ready to take action as they plan exciting activities for students and families. Our parents and staff meet once a month to collaborate on discussions regarding ways to make the year fun and academically enriching for students. For meeting dates and event information, please look under our "PTA" tab.

Our after school programs will commence and boost scholarly involvement. Our programs are:

  • We have the Academic Chess Program, where students explore the bare bones of strategy via chess competitions with classmates. We reinforce the power of critical thinking, while making it engaging with a fun game!
  • Our Mad Science Program meets after school to provide students with an opportunity to learn scientific study methods and engage in hands-on experiments.
  • After-school soccer promotes an active lifestyle for students. We value overall wellness and promote physical activity, fitness, and healthy eating.

Barker prides itself on celebrating the success of our students with monthly awards. We appreciate seeing students fulfilling the character traits of the month. These awards are meant to encourage scholars to develop civic mindsets not just in the classroom, but throughout their whole life. We also have the Quarterly Report Card Honor Roll Assembly to recognize students for their achievements in the quarter. We encourage families to come to these assemblies and celebrate their scholar's good grades.  Barker Elementary School fosters college and career readiness skills.  Our teachers and staff equip students with the academic and personal skills needed for lifelong success.

We look forward to having a marvelous and memorable school year! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please visit our office.