Principal's Message

Welcome to Barker Elementary School!  Barker is a school that prides itself on creating strong teacher, student, parent, and community relationships and instilling in children the ability to achieve.  Our entire staff is dedicated to providing our students with the best educational opportunities necessary for them to become successful contributing members of our community.  Our goal is to secure a positive learning environment that focuses on student achievement and promotes life-long learners.  Our teachers are committed to delivering high-quality instruction using research-based strategies to meet all the needs of our students.  We believe that teaching our children is a shared responsibility that is implemented through the active participation of all stakeholders. 



At Barker, we implement a coherent structure for teaching and learning that is aligned with the California Content Standards.  We support our teachers in their implementation of effective programs through ongoing training and staff development.  We also support the development of explicit district and individual performance goals to ensure that students meet or exceed state standards.

We strongly believe that parent and community partnerships are an essential piece to the success of a school.  At Barker Elementary School, we are fortunate to have parent volunteers involved with enriching the experiences of our children on a daily basis.  Our PTA is a tremendous support and contributes significantly to the inviting atmosphere of our school.  PTA coordinates various activities and fundraisers for our school, which help fund our field trips.  They help plan our assemblies and events and meet regularly to provide further support for our school and help our students.

Our teachers, staff, parents, and families of Barker Elementary School are essential partners in promoting the value of education for our students.    Through this collaborative relationship, I am confident that the school year will be outstanding.  Your contributions and support are greatly appreciated, and I look forward to meeting and working with all of you to ensure that our students attain their highest potentials.  


Michelle Askew

Barker School Principal