Parent Teacher Confrenes - article thumnail image

Parent Teacher Conference

Our Parent/Student/Teacher conferences are Tuesday, March 4th - Tuesday, March 11th. We will be onminimum day schedule during this time. All studentswill begin school at 8:30 a.m. and be dismissed at 1:20p.m. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP AT 1:20. If you have a conference scheduled, your student maynot wait on campus without an adult until yourconference. Please plan on bringing your child to the conference to hear about their progress and goal setting.

*Not all students will need a conference*.

After school activities are as follows for Conference Week:

Boys & Girls Club meets every day at 1:20

Young Rembrandts Art Club will meet at 1:20 on Friday,

March 7th

Mad Science will not meet on Monday, March 10th