Halloween Parade - article thumnail image

Halloween parade October 31st At 8:45 A.M.

Mark your calendars, our annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest and Halloween Parade is Thursday, October 31st at 8:45 am on our playground.  Students may arrive at school in their costumes and, once our teachers take attendance and students gather their chairs, they will proceed to the blacktop for the parade.  Children walk in the parade as a grade level and there's always the special costume the teachers and myself reveal at the end, along with the famous candy throw to the audience.  Parents are welcome to attend this fun event.  

Ina addition, we  will have our traditional pumpkin decorating contest. Students are to bring the pumpkin the day of the Halloween Parade and fill out an entry form.  Winners will be selected by recess.  This year, we've added student council to help judge the pumpkins, and each grade will have one winner.  All participants get a special prize and winners will receive In N' Out gift cards.  Please note, this is a voluntary project that is intended to be done at home.

A flyer has been sent home today regarding the above events and is attached to this ParentSquare as well.  We are really looking forward to this festive time year!


Mrs. Askew