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Apex Fun Run is Coming

Apex Fun Run Fundraiser starts today!
Hi Barker Families, 

Today is the start of our big spring fundraiser-  our Apex Fun Run!
March 3rd - Thursday March 13th

Last year we raised just over $40,000! Let's see how much more we can raise this year to help fund class field trips, educational and character building assemblies, art & reading programs, and to make a meaningful impact on the Barker campus!  

Fun Run pages are now open!  It's time to show your support by logging onto your student’s pledge page. Simply log in to myapexevent.com using their unique student access code found on the VIP Badge that was sent home today. Then, send your child’s pledge page link to family & friends and invite them to support your student.  The first class to get 100% logged in will get to pie the Apex Team! 

-Top Selling Classes in the Upper Grades and in the Lower Grades will earn a GLOW PARTY!  
-The top 10 sellers (5 in upper grades/5 in lower grades) can earn a special lunch on the MPR stage with Ms. Askew.  

AND...Next Wednesday we announce the SCHOOL-WIDE INCENTIVE if we make over $40,000 this year (hint, hint and it's better than Mrs. Askew's Principal Sundae last year-check out our social media for the photos!!!!  Mrs. Askew is sooooooooo excited to announce this one!!!!!!)

Friendly Reminder: LAWN SIGN ORDERS due Tuesday 3/4.   This is a fun way to cheer on your student & their classmates as they run the tracks during the fun run! Order and decorate a lawn sign. 100% of the proceeds go to Barker!  If you haven't seen the Lawn Sign Flyer you can view it here: Lawn Sign Flyer.  Additional forms are in the office.

WANT TO VOLUNTEER?  We need help for our Fun Run Event on Thursday March 13!  We need parents to help with the water station and to help mark laps as the kids run the track.  Sign up here: APEX Fun Run Volunteer Sign Ups

SAVE THE DATE: Families are welcome to come cheer your student on as they run on Thurs March 13. Here is the Fun Run Schedule:

8:30am-9:30am - 5th & 6th Grade
9:30am-10:30am - 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade
10:35am-11:00am - Recess
11:00am-12:00pm - TK, K & 1st Grade

This community is amazing and together we know we can have a successful fundraiser! If you have any questions about this fundraiser, please feel free to contact PTA at  BarkerPTA@gmail.com